[PonyORM-list] Pony ORM Release 0.4.9

Alexey Malashkevich alexeymalashkevich at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 16:06:24 UTC 2013

Pony ORM 0.4.9 is released!

In this release we added new functionality which was requested by Pony
users. The main features include the possibility to delete tables in the
database and recreate tables with all necessary foreign key constraints and
indexes. Let’s see how it works in detail.

Drop tables

There are 4 methods for removing tables in the database, which you can use

Where db is an instance of the Database class.

This method drops all tables, which are related to the current mapping.
When this method is called without parameters, Pony will remove tables only
if none of them contain any data. In case at least one of them is not empty
the method will raise the TableIsNotEmpty exception without dropping any
table. In order to drop tables with the data you should pass the parameter
with_all_data=True: drop_all_tables(with_all_data=True).

If you specify with_all_data=True, then Pony will remove all tables which
are mapped to declared entities even if they have data. This parameter has
the same meaning for all methods below.

db.drop_table(table_name, if_exists=False, with_all_data=False)
Where db is an instance of the Database class.

This method drops a table. If such table doesn’t exist the method raises
the exception TableDoesNotExist. Note, that table_name is case sensitive.
If the parameter if_exists is set to True, then it will not raise the
TableDoesNotExist exception if there is no such table in the database.

Where MyEntity is a declared entity class.
This method removes a table which is mapped to the entity.

Where MyEntity is a declared entity class and my_collection is a Set

    class MyEntity(db.Entity):
        my_collection = Set(…)

This method drops a table, which is associated with the Set attribute. The
primary role of this method is to drop an intermediate table, which is used
for establishing many-to-many relationship between two Set attributes. But
if you call this method for many-to-one relationship, it will try to remove
the table used for the entity at the other side of the many-to-one

Create tables

Pony now has a separate method for creating tables and corresponding
foreign keys and indexes:

Where db is an instance of the Database class.
This method checks the existing mapping and creates tables for entities if
they don’t exist. Also, Pony will check if foreign keys and indexes exist
and create them if they are missing.

In previous releases the method generate_mapping() always checked if the
tables in the database match with the entities. Now you can switch this
check off. This can be useful if you want just generate mapping and create
tables later.
This gives you the following options for mapping generation:

- db.generate_mapping(create_tables=True) – create tables, foreign key
references and indexes if they don’t exist
- db.generate_mapping() – assuming that tables are already exist, check if
the existing tables match with the enitites
- db.generate_mapping(check_tables=False) – neither create nor check
tables, useful if you plan to call db.create_tables() later.

Other new features

Starting with the release 0.4.9, Pony automatically enables foreign key
support in SQLite. By default SQLite doesn’t check foreign key constraints,
and in previous Pony releases foreign key constraints in SQLite were not

Where db is an instance of the Database class.
Close the database connection for the current thread if it was opened.

Comparison methods for the Entity class were added. Now entity instances
can be sorted by its primary key values.

Entity.exists(…) method was added. You can check the entity attributes for
or use a lambda condition:
    Order.exists(lambda o: o.total_price > 500 and count(o.items) <=3)

Reported bugs were fixed, new tests were added.

Thanks to all Pony users for sending us their feedback and telling us how
they are using Pony. We appreciate it!
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