[PonyORM-list] Retrieve 10 most recent related records

Dylan Staley staley.dylan at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 00:13:45 UTC 2014

Hi all! I'm using these two models:

class Person(db.Entity):
    id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
    checkouts = Set("Checkout")

    def recent_checkouts(self):
        # return 10 most recent checkouts

class Checkout(db.Entity):
    id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
    person = Required(Person)
    date = Required(date)

I'd like to be able to call Person.recent_checkouts to get a list of that
person's ten most recent checkouts. How would I accomplish this in the most
performant manner?

Dylan Staley
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